This forum area has been produced with the contribution of the European Union

The sole responsibility lies with the author and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein


As promised, here are the links to the online questionnaire on company welfare in all the languages of the project partner countries which, thanks also to the commitment of UNI Europa and IndustriALL, will be distributed and filled in by workers in our sectors across Europe.


As you know, the aims of the survey is to gather our colleagues welfare needs and their opinions and feelings on the WELFARE initiatives/services made available by their companies.
It is an electronic questionnaire, simple, quick to fill in (6 multiple choice questions) and self-processing, that will allow us to collect valuable information on working conditions in the European financial and metal sectors, distribuited not only by country but by workers’ age, gender, professional role, commitment in the trade union and family situation.
Your contribution will be crucial to the success of the initiative.
Together with your organizations, decide how to use and spread the link. You can post it on your national or company union website or send it by WhatsApp or by mail to your affiliates/colleagues. The important thing is to reach as many workers as possible, in order to give consistency and scientific nature to our research.
Please take action as soon as possible and let us know the solution you adopt.