This forum area has been produced with the contribution of the European Union
The sole responsibility lies with the author and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein

Workshops and Final Conference

Workshops and Final Conference
02/10/2018  FBA, WLM Presentation by Dr Fraccaroli (FBA, WLM Presentation_Fraccaroli.pdf)
02/10/2018  FBA, Presentazione WLM ita_Fraccaroli (FBA, WLM Presentazione ita_Fraccaroli.pdf)
28/08/2018  WLM On Line Survey, Results_eng,fra,esp,ita (WLM On Line Survey Results_eng, fra, esp, ita.pdf)
27/08/2018  Uni Europa, Working Time Declaration 2018 (UNI Europa, Working Time Declaration 09-2018.pdf)
27/08/2018  Uni Europa, Working Time Declaration 2018, Remarks by OTOE (UNI Europa Working Time Declaration, Remarks by OTOE 09-2018.doc)
27/08/2018  Uni Europa, Working Time Policy in the Service Sector_2018 (UNI Europa, Working Time Policy in the Service Sector_by HBS Foundation 09-2018.pdf)
23/08/2018  WLM Dissemination Tool (WLM Dissemination Tool.pdf)