We are FIRST CISL: the most representative Trade Union in the Italian finance sector, representing employees, professionals and managers in banks, insurances, collection agencies, Banca d’Italia, bank foundations and authorities, thus being entitled to negotiate collective agreements for all categories of finance workers.
Riccardo Colombani is our General Secretary.
Our fundamental goal is to turn into concrete priorities the consolidated and shared values of democracy, political autonomy, solidarity and social commitment: workers’ protection of rights through collective bargaining at company, national and transnational level, overall protection of affiliates, from collective rights to daily personal and family needs.
Storically, our Trade Union is the result of the merger between FIBA CISL and DIRCREDITO.
We are affiliated to CISL Confederation, ensuring consistent overall strategies throughout the world of works as well as further protection of members with CISL services centers at national and local level.
We are present, directly and through CQFC (Coordinamento Quadri Federazioni Cisl), in the international trade union bodies of reference for high professions: Eurocadres and Uni Professionals and Managers (UNI P&M).
We participate in the debate to reform financial markets, products and intermediaries regulation in a social, inclusive and solidaristic sense, according to the principles and values contained in our most recent document of identity character, the Manifesto "AdessoBanca!". Visit Download document (PDF).
We contribute to the European social dialogue in the banking, insurance and central banks sectors in order to influence, in the appropriate manner, the legislative process: according to the interests of the workers we represent, of civil society, with a view to developing the social market economy.
We support the work of the European Works Councils (EWCs), which have exclusive rights of information and consultation and should become a trade union tool to disseminate workers’ rights especially in countries where trade unions are weakly organized.
Our internal structure consists of specific responsibilities for banks and insurances, cooperative banks, middle managers and executives, with the aim to meet the new challenges of representation and collective bargaining in the finance sector and better serve members’ interests.
Our international structure organizes the international activities of the federation with particular reference to the relations with CES and Uni Global Union, European institutions, other national and international Trade Unions.
Our Apf structure operates in close synergy with the National Secretariat, implementing trade union policies through European planning. Apf First has, infact, a consolidated activity of international planning financed by the European Commission and strong cooperation with foreign trade unions, Italian and foreign universities and prestigious European institutions such as Eurofound. Apf educational activities directly respond to the indications of the specific, national functions.